Design System:
Theory and Implementation

The purpose of the workshop is to explain what a Design System is and how to begin implementing it, by knowing the main underlying concepts of this topic.

For this purpose, it has been designed to cover all of the main topics, while staying focused on implementation. With a hands-on approach for resolving a practical challenge, we will go through all of the phases of the process of building a Design System.

A Design System is an ecosystem of libraries, with programmed components, semantic design standards, documentation and principles 100% reflected between design and technology, allowing everyone to share the same language.

This tool provides a holistic, empathetic and strategic vision that will help transform organisational cultures that are more traditional and enrich the processes of creation and innovation. A Design System is an ecosystem of libraries, with programmed components, semantic

Intended for

Designers, Developers, Project Managers, etc.:

  • wanting a better understanding of how to develop and contribute with a design system,

  • changing careers and seeking a comprehensive vision of the design system topic,

  • seeking to coordinate this type of activity in their work environment.

3 days – 5:30 pm to 09:30 pm

Presentation support materials.

Checklist for starting a design system

Component structure model and token naming

Digital training certificate.


  • To build knowledge on all stages of the Design System process;
  • To explore the main sub-concepts of the topic;
  • To expand on the implementation-focused mindset;
  • To understand and use productivity methods with practical applications in the work environment;
  • To come in contact with techniques and tools to facilitate the process, applied to a practical challenge.



At the moment, we don’t have a defined date for the next Design System: Theory and Implementation course.

If you’re interested in this course, contact us at and we will let you know when enrollment opens.

Picture of Sandra Mouta
Sandra Mouta

Head of Training


Preencha o formulário de inscrição e aguarde pelas instruções que vamos enviar-lhe por email.
Se ainda tem dúvidas, fale connosco através do email
Picture of Sandra Mouta
Sandra Mouta

Head of Training

Meet the team

Sandra Mouta

Sandra Mouta

Head of Training

A specialist in user research and human factors, what she truly loves is discovering how knowledge can help create solutions to simplify people’s lives. Her mission is to train professionals with a human-centred approach and help organisations grow.

After reading the book The Design of Everyday Things, the usability “bug” never stopped growing, and she founded Tangível in 2004. Prior to this, for nearly two decades, her students heard her talk enthusiastically about user experience.

José Campos

José Campos

Pedagogical Coordinator
Júlia Nascimento

Júlia Nascimento

Procuct Designer

A product designer/system designer at Millennium bcp bank, she is also a member of Friends of Figma and VagasUX. Passionate about Design Systems, it’s easy to find numerous articles she has authored. She has helped to create products for the automotive and financial industry in Brazil, Egypt and now Portugal. She is involved in curating and sharing knowledge in design and design systems with the worldwide UX community.

Sandra Mouta

Sandra Mouta

Head of Training

É especialista em user research e fatores humanos, mas o que gosta mesmo é descobrir como o conhecimento pode ajudar a criar soluções que simplifiquem a vida das pessoas. Formar profissionais com uma abordagem human-centered e ajudar as organizações a crescer é a sua missão.

Júlia Nascimento

Júlia Nascimento

Procuct Designer

É product designer/designer system no Millennium bcp Bank, membro do Friends of Figma e do Vagas UX. Apaixonada por Design Systems, podemos facilmente encontrar vários artigos escritos por ela. Ajudou a criar produtos para a indústria automotiva e financeira do Brasil, Egito e atualmente Portugal. Participa na curadoria e compartilhamento de conhecimento em design e Design System com a comunidade de UX espalhada pelo mundo.

Depois de ler o livro “The Design of Everyday Things”, o bichinho da usabilidade nunca mais parou de crescer e, em 2004, fundou a Tangível. Antes disso, e durante quase duas décadas, os seus alunos ouviram-no falar com entusiasmo de user experience.

José Campos

José Campos

Coordenador pedagógico

What you will need

Computer or Tablet

Mobile phones are not recommended

Internet connection

Fast and stable, for online courses only


For online courses only


For online courses only

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